La Société des Missions-Étrangères du Québec (SMÉ)
The Foreign Missions Society of Quebec (FMS) is an international missionary society made up of priests (perpetual members) and lay people (associates). It was founded in 1921 by the bishops of the Church of French-speaking Canada to contribute to the proclamation of the Gospel to all nations.
the SME Philippines in the spirit of walking together, joined the rest of the brothers and sisters in different parts of the world in celebrating its 102nd founding anniversary. This celebration coincided with the day's Gospel reading from Luke 2: 22-32. Jesus is presented to Simon, who declares, “For my eyes have seen your salvation – a light to reveal you to the nations and the glory of your people Israel.” Together, we walk in mission with our Lord Jesus, the light and Savior of the world.
In SME Philippines, we recognize that our mission is intertwined with Christ's Prophetic, Kingly and Priestly mission which He has planted within us all. As pilgrims on earth called upon by God's unconditional love and mercy, the gospel remind us that our "journeying together" should be one filled with peace and unity in Christ , regardless of race, culture, age etc.
On this momentous occasion, then let us remember what truly matters most; walking together united under His banner while accepting each other despite our differences - so that through Him we may have true justice and freedom from oppression everywhere around the globe!
Greetings of love, peace, and unity in Christ be with all the members of SME around the world.
Happy 102nd anniversary to all!
We celebrated with great joy the founding of our Missionary Society. We gathered at Casa Guadalupe in an ambiance of friendship, music, and sharing scrumptious choripanes (spicy barbecued sausage on fresh toasted baguette).
This year the celebration was particular because some companions were in Canada and another lay missionary associate was away leading an immersion experience. In the midst of a group of affiliates was Donna, lay missionary associate, representing the local group in Honduras.
We discovered that we come from different places, but our paths coincide in this place and time thanks to a lay associate missionary or a PMÉ priest who, by sharing the presence of the living God and their charism, touched our lives, invited us, and we joined them.
The mission continues, it motivates many beyond the SME and today we celebrate it.
Cheers to 102 years at the service of the Gospel!
[Vocations Project, Discover your path] (Translation by Donna Tai)