
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025

Final Message of the Sixth American Missionary Congress

of the Amazon

A Divine Mandate

Often, we see these kinds of events as simply sporting events and fail to visualize details or alternative teachings that can enrich the meaning of sports in general...

Pope Francis reaffirmed this idea in his encyclical "Laudato Si" in 2015, highlighting the pressing need for integrated human growth and ecological conversion...

You who know your sheep and know how to reach the heart of man,
Open the minds and hearts of those young people
Who seek and await a word of truth for their lives...

This fourth Sunday of Easter (2024), we remember Jesus, the Good Shepherd, and celebrate the world day of prayer for vocations...
"I have a dream!"
"I have a dream!" This famous quote expressing the societal project from the North American pastor and activist Martin Luther King Jr is well known worldwide!

This Gospel text can help us find a place in Jesus' family, in his large community...

But who is actually sleeping? Is it the flesh-and-bones Jesus who, in the last three years of his life, fought relentlessly against the dinosaurs among his people?...

Christ's calls to live a life of fullness are very diverse in the Gospels. In Matthew and Mark, Jesus addresses Peter and Andrew first, and his first words are: "Come after me... (Mt 4:19 and Mk 1:17)." In the Gospel of John, seeing that some were following him, Jesus' first words are: "What are you looking for?" (John 1:38). And you, what are you seeking? ...

Monsignor Vittorino Girardi, bishop emeritus of the diocese of Tilarán-Liberia, Costa Rica, was the special guest of our missionary conversation, as part of the activities held during the Week of Prayer for Vocations 2024"...

As part of their missionary formation immersion in Honduras, four youths continued their initial formation with Quebec Foreign Mission Society (QFMS or SMÉ in French) with a visit to Choluteca...

On the occasion of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, the Missionary Animation Service of the SME organized two virtual prayer meetings for vocations. The central theme of both meetings was the message of Pope Francis for the 61st World Day of Prayer for Vocations...

Holy Week was an experience where we encountered many challenges, insecurities, difficulties... Impossible to say: no more!...

Photography is a powerful art that has the potential to communicate profound messages and tell stories with great impact...

the Value of Solidarity
Every community kitchen or communal pot – as we call it in Peru – is a sacred space. When opening the door, we enter a place where vegetables and spices mix with what each woman brings from home: her struggles, joys, discouragement, hope....

Ana breaks down in tears when she talks about her challenges because she lost her cleaning job, which she thought would be the beginning of a new chapter for her...
Have you ever seen, at this time of year, people in procession following a cross on a Friday and wondered: what are they doing? Or have you ever left the house on a Friday during Lent to pray the Way of the Cross? Millions of Catholics around ....

Our Magazine:
FALL 2023
The Foreign Missions Magazine aims to be an open window both on the commitment of the missionaries of the Quebec Foreign Mission Society and on the spirituality that animates them...

We celebrate 104 years of Mission!