
Building Bridges in a Fractured World

Living in a fractured world, with so many wounded along the way, we are called to solidarity. We must become tents and field hospitals, as Pope Francis invites us. It is essential for the Church to take risks in building solidarity and fraternity, breaking down the walls that divide us. We must be a prophetic Church, inviting everyone to the banquet of God’s love and generosity...

Go and invite everyone to the banquet!

"Go and invite everyone to the banquet" is a central expression of the missionary mandate that deeply resonates with the Amazonian Church, especially in the context of our communities and current challenges. The invitation to the banquet, as expressed by Jesus in the parable (Mt 22:1-14), is not only about attending an event but entering a new reality of communion and fullness of life, accessible to all without exception... 

The king's son gets married!

The king's son is going to marry the most beautiful girl in the country. The father is overjoyed. The wedding will be grand. The king himself carefully prepares a sumptuous banquet, to which he has the pleasure of inviting all the great people of the kingdom along with their families and friends. The "great people of the kingdom" are like the king's brothers. They are people of merit who have won wars for the kingdom... 

Yeshua at banquets of the rich

Yeshua is sometimes seen at banquets where the rich invite personalities like him to impress them with their wealth and affirm their status as masters of the people. The fact that he accepts these invitations tarnishes his image as a man in solidarity with the poor and earns him the reputation of being a glutton, a drunkard, and a flatterer of the powerful (Matthew 11:19). If he accepts attending these banquets, it is primarily because Yeshua and his companions need to eat from time to time. These banquets also give him an opportunity to present to those who lead the people what matters most to him in this world...

Hydroponics on the Hillside
Cultivating Hope in Comas

The food sovereignty project of the Local Group of Peru focuses on supporting Ollas Comunes and Comedores Populares on the hillside of Comas. Beyond food sovereignty, ecological conversion represents a path towards a sustainable and just food system.... 

We Forget that We Ourselves Are Made of Earth:  People Displaced by Climate Change 

According to the UN/UNHCR, in its 2023 report on Climate and Development in Honduras, it is projected that between 40,600 and 56,400 people will be forced to move within the country by 2050 due to the conditions generated by climate change...

The Creation and the care
of the Amazon 
Seeds of hope

Pope Francis, in his encyclical Laudato Si', calls us to an ecological conversion, to rediscover our relationship with creation and with all living beings. He tells us: “We are dust of the earth; our very bodies are made up of her elements, we breathe her air, and we receive life and refreshment from her waters” (Laudato Si', 2)...

Walking with Migrants and Refugees:
A Divine Mandate 

In light of the current global events, the poignant message of "God walks with his people," chosen for this year's World Day of Migrants and Refugees, is especially meaningful. It serves as a reminder of God's consoling presence. It’s a somber call to prayer, reflection and action, on behalf of those compelled to leave their homes in search of safety, dignity, and a brighter future...

Pope Francis: A Journey of Faith to Asia 

Pope Francis, always unpredictable, continues to surprise us. This month of September, at the age of 87, he has embarked on the longest journey of his pontificate. Despite his health issues and difficulties walking, Francis remains steadfast in his commitment to reaching out to the most remote and smallest churches. He himself leads by example in the synodal and missionary conversion to which he calls the entire Church...

The journey of refugee & migrant athletes
Olympics beyond borders

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Refugee Olympic Team, which will compete for the third time in the Olympic Games (OG), represents millions of people who have been forcibly displaced worldwide. According to UNHCR, it is estimated that by September 2023, around 114 million people will have been forced to leave their homes across the planet...

The influence of faith and the church on olympic sports
A transcendent connection

We are about to begin the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, which will start with the opening ceremony on Friday, July 26.
Often, we see these kinds of events as simply sporting events and fail to visualize details or alternative teachings that can enrich the meaning of sports in general... 

Do not abandon me in old age
A call for intergenerational solidarity
IV World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, July 28, 2024 

In our current society, which often idolizes youth and views old age as a burden, Pope Francis' message for the 2024 World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, "Do not abandon me in old age," resonates with special urgency...

The transcendence of the years
Discovering the wisdom and mission of the elderly

In the story of Ruth and Naomi, we find a clear teaching about the importance of protecting and caring for the elderly. This story shows us a touching example of solidarity and love between generations...

A Daring and Invigorating Presence in Quebec

“Be a meaningful, daring, life-giving and hope-bringing presence to those living in situations of hardship, isolation or in search of a path to meaningful living and liberation.” 

Go and invite everyone to the banquet
Ignite the missionary zeal to extend the invitation of Jesus to all

In a world filled with division and exclusion, Jesus' appeal to "Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet" serves as a powerful reminder of the all-encompassing love of God.  This invitation knows no bounds, extending far beyond the confines of a select few; it encompasses all of humanity and the entire creation... 

Welcome to the SMÉ House 
in Sendai!  

Passing by a white house in Sendai, Japan, an image of the Virgin Mary that offers the baby Jesus catches the eye. It's not just for its aesthetic beauty or how it harmonizes with the lightness and attention to detail typical of Japanese culture, but for other reasons as well... 

From the Mind to the Heart: 
Fatherhood and the Sacred Heart

This June we celebrate the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This month we also celebrate Father's Day. Although both holidays are not directly related, they share a significant connection... 

Return to Ordinary Time
Like Returning to Nazareth 
and its Inner Silence

After going through several important feasts of the liturgical calendar, such as Pentecost, Trinity, Corpus Christi, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we return to Ordinary Time... 

Sacred Heart of Jesus

On June 7, we celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is a special occasion to reflect on a foundational element of our Christian faith: the love of God.
In the Holy Scriptures, we find multiple mentions of God's love for humanity... 

Corpus Christi:
the Underlying Unity of the 
Human Family

The apostle Paul uses the analogy of the body of Christ extensively in his Epistles to teach that the church is not confined to walls or borders. It is universal, encompassing all of humanity...

The Manifestation of the Holy Spirit

All the disciples were together on the day of Pentecost. Suddenly, a sound from heaven like a mighty wind filled the entire house where they were sitting. They saw what appeared to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. (Acts 2:1-11)... 

Motherhood of God
A Reflection for  Mothers` Month

In this month of motherhood, we would like to reflect on a figure that is often overlooked in our theological discussions: the "Motherhood of God". Although God transcends gender, we use images and metaphors to speak of Him... 

Who is Your Mother?

The month of May will be filled with well-deserved and sweet words of affection about and for mothers. What if we step out of this norm and allow ourselves to be provoked by some ancestral words that still resonate as a polytonal composition in some ears of our days and reflect on the question "who is my mother" (Mt 12, 48)?... 

A world without mothers would be inhumane (P. Francis)

The words of the Holy Father about mothers remain as valid today as they were when he first spoke them a few years ago. This month, dedicated to Our Mother Mary and in which many countries celebrate Mother's Day, is the perfect time to share some of the Pope's reflections... 

Laudato Si' Week 2024:
Seeds of Hope

Laudato Si' Week is celebrated from May 19 to 26. We recall Pope Francis's urgent call to action in his encyclical Laudato Si'. This year, the focus is on inspiring “personal and cultural transformation amid ecological and climatic crises.”... 

All Connected...

Pope Francis reaffirmed this idea in his encyclical "Laudato Si" in 2015, highlighting the pressing need for integrated human growth and ecological conversion...


Here I am!
Do you remember what was your state of mind when you woke up this morning? Were you happy, sad, maybe not very motivated or full of energy?... 

Prayer for Vocations
Lord Jesus, Good Shepherd of souls,
You who know your sheep and know how to reach the heart of man,
Open the minds and hearts of those young people
Who seek and await a word of truth for their lives...

Jubilate Domino Omnes Terra! 

The word "Jubilate," the first word of Psalm 99(100) verse 2, has given us the French term “Jubilaire,” signifying one celebrated with joy... 

Nicole and Claude show a photo of Réal Blain, PME, at the centennial exhibition of the SME in Pont-Viau
A red thread

In the heart of the Limoilou neighborhood in Quebec, Juan Ramon Moncada, pmé, joins as a volunteer at the Popote Roulante. There, he meets Nicole and Claude, who share emotional memories of Réal Blain, a former missionary priest of the SME in Japan who was crucial in their lives...

The Maison Bon Air
A place of hospitality and fraternity

The Maison Bon Air of the Foreign Missions Society of Quebec currently offers a living environment that combines the hospitality of the House of Bethany with the caring of the Inn of the Good Samaritan.... 

Jesus, the Good Shepherd

This fourth Sunday of Easter (2024), we remember Jesus, the Good Shepherd, and celebrate the world day of prayer for vocations...


"I have a dream!"

"I have a dream!" This famous quote expressing the societal project from the North American pastor and activist Martin Luther King Jr is well known worldwide!


Road to Emmaus...
Journey of a Missionary Community Church
"Fervent Hearts, Feet on the Path" (cf. Lk 24,13-35) is the title chosen by Pope Francis for the World Mission Sunday (DOMUND) 2023. This phrase, inspired by the story of the disciples at Emmaus, is familiar to us...

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
A beacon of inspiration for young generations

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, also known as "The Lily of the Mohawks," is a saint who deeply resonates with today's young generations...

Reflection: Saint Kateri

This Gospel text can help us find a place in Jesus' family, in his large community...


Sharing Faith, Connecting Hearts:
Pentecost & Communications Day

For the Foreign Missions Society, Pentecost and World Communications Day hold deep significance, capturing the essence of spreading the Gospel and the role of modern communication in this mission...

Who is asleep? Jesus or us?
A very dark night. A raging storm. A monstrous tsunami heading our way. Unstoppable. Jesus asleep, even as the boat is sinking. A guttural cry sprang from the disciples: “Jesus, wake up! We’re going to drown!”
But who is actually sleeping? Is it the flesh-and-bones Jesus who, in the last three years of his life, fought relentlessly against the dinosaurs among his people?...

What are you looking for?

Christ's calls to live a life of fullness are very diverse in the Gospels. In Matthew and Mark, Jesus addresses Peter and Andrew first, and his first words are: "Come after me... (Mt 4:19 and Mk 1:17)." In the Gospel of John, seeing that some were following him, Jesus' first words are: "What are you looking for?" (John 1:38). And you, what are you seeking? ...

Called to Sow Hope and Build Peace...
Missionary Conversation 
with Monsignor Vittorino Girardi

Monsignor Vittorino Girardi, bishop emeritus of the diocese of Tilarán-Liberia, Costa Rica, was the special guest of our missionary conversation, as part of the activities held during the Week of Prayer for Vocations 2024"...


News from Honduras...

As part of their missionary formation immersion in Honduras, four youths continued their initial formation with Quebec Foreign Mission Society (QFMS or SMÉ in French) with a visit to Choluteca...


World Day of Prayer for Vocations...

On the occasion of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, the Missionary Animation Service of the SME organized two virtual prayer meetings for vocations. The central theme of both meetings was the message of Pope Francis for the 61st World Day of Prayer for Vocations...


Holy Week 2024...
Testimony of Holy Week Mission

Holy Week was an experience where we encountered many challenges, insecurities, difficulties... Impossible to say: no more!...

Photography as Ministry
Telling Truth and Beauty through Images

Photography is a powerful art that has the potential to communicate profound messages and tell stories with great impact...

Missionary Testimony of Father Juan Bautista Prak Bunhong
Bunong Catholic Priest honoring his ancestral traditions in Cambodia

Moving testimony of Father Juan Bautista Prak Bunhong, a missionary priest of Bunong origin who has managed to find a balance between his faith and his attachment to the ancestral traditions of his people...

"My experience with Father Frank Bélec, brother and friend of the Mapuche People" 
Testimony of Irma Porma

Irma Porma lives in Temuco, the capital of the Araucanía Region in southern Chile. From the very first contact, she was very excited to share her experience with Father Frank, whom she refers to as a great friend of hers and of the Mapuche People... 

With You, I Learned
the Value of Solidarity

Every community kitchen or communal pot – as we call it in Peru – is a sacred space. When opening the door, we enter a place where vegetables and spices mix with what each woman brings from home: her struggles, joys, discouragement, hope.... 


Seeds of Hope

Since its publication, Laudato Si has caused a worldwide growth of initiatives and movements to advance social justice and sustainable development. Following Laudato Si's principles, many communities, schools, and religious institutions have made efforts to lessen their carbon footprint, protect natural resources, and encourage laws that support environmental sustainability.

The theme of Laudato Si' Week this year is "Seeds of Hope," which encourages each of us to be a seed of hope rooted in love and faith in both our personal lives and our communities at large... 

Assuming a New Paradigm
Berta Cáceres 

Berta Cáceres was an indigenous Lenca leader, feminist, and co-founder of the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH). Recognized locally and internationally as a brave defender of human rights and indigenous peoples... 

Heroes for the environment
“Irmã” Dorothy Stang 

This missionary defended the poor, illiterate peasants of the Amazon rainforest the greed and profit-seeking of landowners in the state of Pará... 

Heroine of Peace, Social Justice, and Ecology
Wangari Maathai

During Laudato Si' Week 2024 “Seeds of Hope,” dedicated to promoting peace, social justice, and sustainable ecology, we honor Wangari Maathai, brave activist and founder of the Green Belt Movement. 

A planet without plastic is possible...

Earth Day, celebrated on April 22nd, was an opportunity to reflect on our commitment to the environment. At the SME headquarters in Laval, Canada, our colleagues carried out a series of activities aimed at raising awareness about the global ecological emergency...

Finding dignity in struggle: Ana's journey!

Ana breaks down in tears when she talks about her challenges because she lost her cleaning job, which she thought would be the beginning of a new chapter for her...

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Seeing christ in contemporary's suffering

Have you ever seen, at this time of year, people in procession following a cross on a Friday and wondered: what are they doing? Or have you ever left the house on a Friday during Lent to pray the Way of the Cross? Millions of Catholics around ....

Our Magazine:

  • FALL 2023


  • WINTER 2023


  • SPRING 2024


The Foreign Missions Magazine aims to be an open window both on the commitment of the missionaries of the 
Quebec Foreign Mission and on the spirituality that animates them...

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Season of Creation 2024!