Testimony of Jose Angel Medina, Honduras
It is with great joy and enthusiasm, we lived Vocations Week 2021. From Sunday April 25, listening to Jesus, the Good Shepherd, and remembering his life given to the will of the Father by Love.
This week, we have reflected and prayed with vocational testimonies published on our SME blog Centro América; for example, the missionary testimony of Ever Amador (a Honduran missionary now in Japan), the experience of a rural teacher in the mountains of Honduras and the testimony of a young student from a Salvadoran university.
We also had two enriching exchanges with young people from various professional areas who shared about their vocation and its challenges. You will find the videos on SME Facebook Centro América. I invite you to look at them!
Personally, that week was a time for prayer, for reflection and for gratitude to the God of Life for his call to a life of Love, Love that gives oneself and abandons oneself through a specific vocation. I underline a phrase of Fr. André Dionne, «Love is to live the mystery of God».