Fr. Erlin Perez ,pme
The evangelizing mission of the "Area Misionária João Paulo II" is challenging and at the same time exciting.
There are many activities trying to involve the people of the 10 Ecclesial Communities in their very different reality. Some of them are distant and located in the countryside. Others are settlements or invasion as they say around here. And almost all of them are poor and in need of attention and also financial help.
The evangelizing activities range from Celebrations, Retreats, care for the sick and lonely people, specific formations of each Pastoral, to the distribution of Basic Baskets shared by the Communities or donated by Christian friends and Commercial Institutions.
1- National Vocational Mission
"BURNING HEART, FEET ON THE WAY" held in the Archdiocese of Manaus. Almost 300 missionaries, including Laity, Priests, Religious and Seminarians, were visiting and living in the Communities for 8 days.
In our Missionary Area we received 7 of them.
They were very special days: families, the sick, single people, Pastoral agents and many other people were visited and cared for by the Missionaries. And several celebratory activities were carried out in the Communities.
2 - Youth Camp - it was the 3rd experience and it was successful.
A group of 28 adults will prepare and organize everything with great care for the youth: reception, celebration, food, well-being, recreation, games, etc.
The 90 young participants had 3 unforgettable days of spirituality, coexistence and recreation.
This is how it seemed to me that I closed my mission in the "ÁREA MISSIONÁRIA JOÃO PAULO II" with golden keys.
Manaus, February 2023.