Contest rules for the creation of a hymn/ song for the Centenary of the Quebec Foreign Mission Society (SME)

Acknowledgements and verdict of the Qualification Jury

The Quebec Foreign Mission Society, about to celebrate its centennial, would like to thank the sixteen authors who entered the competition to choose the centennial anthem. God has been praised in every text and every interpretation.

The qualification jury after evaluating and analyzing each of the performances, in a difficult task, decided that the song 'Poussé par le vent (Pushed by the wind),' composed by Mr. Éloy Roy, p.m.é., is the winner of the official song of the celebration of the centennial contest. Thank you all, because although we have chosen only one song, we have all given Glory to God and collaborated in the mission of evangelization.

By the qualification jury:

Mr. Juan Barreto (theologian and musician)
Sister Adela Trochez (Holy Rosary - Honduras)
Mr. André Dionne, p.m.é.
Mrs. Silvia Viviana Pucheta, SMÉ Missionary Animation Service
Mr. Bernard Duquette, p.m.é.

“He who sings, prays twice” (Saint Augustin) 


 As part of the 100 years’ celebration of our Missionary Society, we call to all for the creation of the hymn/song of the Centenary
 This contest for creating the Jubilee Hymn has as purpose to express the joy and gratitude to the Lord for the foundation of our Missionary Society, which has the official motto: “To run the risk of the encounter at the service of the Gospel”, inspired by Evangelii Gaudium #88.
 Through this activity we want to sing, pray, thank and encourage people. Hundred years to the mission service is a good reason to express our happiness for everything given and received since 1921, and at the same time, to celebrate with all the peoples to whom we have been sent.


Contest rules...